Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year 2012

For the first time in almost 20 years, I will be going out on New Year's Eve. Yes, you read it correctly. I am going out on New Year's Eve with a date and everything. It might seem like no big deal to most people but since I have been without a significant other for the past 6 years (Mr. Big & Steve Rengel don't really count as significant others) it is a very big deal to me.

I never thought I was someone that really gave 2 shits about having someone to kiss when the ball drops at midnight but then again I also thought that I'd be with Erik for the rest of my life. And we all know that forever came a bit too soon as far as he & I were concerned. Yet the thought of having someone as amazing as my new honey...well let's just say that I didn't think he really existed - even though I hoped & prayed for a guy like him to come along and prove me wrong.

On the eve of my birthday last week, I felt like things were too good to be true. We had a little incident that almost made me give up hope. Sorta like when things are going so well that it's only a matter of time before something is bound to come along and fuck it all up. It had me all freaked out and depressed through the whole weekend. It made my birthday suck and my Christmas suck. And I'd thought it was going to make the New Year suck too.

But while I was at work on Christmas night - at the Loosli family Christmas dinner - I started to see a light at the end of the tunnel. It started when Julie told me I wouldn't be working on New Year's Eve. The lights are getting brighter and brighter for me and I can't wait til tomorrow night!

In case I don't get around to posting anything before tomorrow night, I just wanted to say I hope everyone has a safe and very Happy New Year!!!

Oh and thanks in advance, honey. I know I'm going to have the best time...because every day we spend together has been the best day ever and they just keep getting better. I love you!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Almost Birthday to me...

I don't know why I thought this year would be different or that for once I had found someone to prove all the others wrong. Yet here I sit on the eve of what should be a happy occasion and I'm once again feeling completely fucked off, sad and alone. I hope I am wrong. I hope and pray with every ounce of my being that I am wrong. All I can do is pray. And hope that I am right about this one.
To be continued...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I believe...