Monday, November 21, 2011

After all...

I haven't been much for writing lately. I'm not quite sure why. There certainly has been enough happening in my life lately. Yet still no desire to write.

So this is the deal...tomorrow is November 22. If I'm remembering correctly, Prince Charming should be arriving to whisk me off my feet in the next week or so. But who knows? He was supposed to be here in May...then June...then he wasn't coming at all...then he reappears again.

Basically, since Steve Rengel dumped me, I have been trying to find someone to occupy my time. Which has left me feeling angry. Angry because I am alone and because I meet guys that say all the right things but turn out to be idiots or just lame in general. So then I'm all depressed and mad and that sucks. I think I will just stop trying to find someone to amuse me. Hell I'm a nice person. Someone once told me, "You're like a bright ass light...people flock to you like a moth to the flame. You don't have to do anything except sit there and be you." Okay so I think I'm just going  to sit here and wait. At least I will try to.

I'd like to believe that there are Prince Charmings in this world and that he's going to come charging up on a white horse (or surfboard, in my case)...that all the things I've read in fairy tales are true...and that he is going to take me away from all this. A girl can dream, no? It'd be a shame to have to sue Disney for false advertisement, don't you think?

Anyhow, I will try to write more. I think I feel better when I write. It clears my head. Otherwise I just stew and drive myself up the wall.